We are a 'good' school rated by Ofsted Oct 2021!

Corby Glen Community Primary School


If you are considering a place for your child at Corby Glen Community Primary School, we would encourage you in the first instance to contact the school. Mrs Willcock will be happy to discuss your child's admission and give you a tour of the school. 

We follow the Lincolnshire admissions code and admit approximately 20 pupils into Reception each year.  Our admissions policy (link below) details the criteria we apply when applications are received to the school.  It also includes our oversubscription criteria.  We follow the Lincolnshire County Council protocol for admissions. 


We are consulting for 6 weeks from 20th October 2024 on a reduction in our pupil admissions number (PAN). More details can be found at

When you are ready to complete your admissions form - whether this be for a new Reception starter for September or for a mid-year admission - this is done through the Lincolnshire County Council website. The link is given below.
