We are a 'good' school rated by Ofsted Oct 2021!

Corby Glen Community Primary School

Opening Times

Our School Day


Getting to School 

To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users and it reduces parking difficulties. If you do need to travel by car, please park with care and consideration, avoiding parking near the area with zigzag lines. The safety of our pupils is of paramount importance. 


The Start of the Day 

Our school gate will open at 8:40am and registration will take place at 8:50am. At CGCPS, punctuality is very important. We encourage children to arrive ten minutes before the register and this is also an opportunity for targeted support, listening to readers and focus morning activities. Staff will be on the entrance doors to meet and greet children and will be available for parents at this time.   


During the day

Daily school-wide assembly takes place at 10:15am every day except on Thursday we have our special 'Crew' assemblies. On Tuesday afternoon we have an additional assembly to learn songs we can share together. Every Friday we have our  weekly 'Celebration and Appreciation Assembly'. Timetables vary to allow for a broad balanced and challenging curriculum to be delivered, these change half termly.


End of the day 

At the end of the school day, the teachers bring the children out into the playgrounds for parents/carers to collect or for older children to walk home independently.  


Start of the school day - focused activities/reading and pre teachMorning register closes and first session startsBreaktimeLunchtime

EY/KS1 playtime

KS2 - daily mile/mindfulness

End of the school day
8.40am, registration at 8.50am9.00am10.30-10.45am12-1pm2-2.15pm3.20pm
End of the day collection up to 15 minutes after this time from the classroom, otherwise from the main office please 
Gates open amGates open pm


Total amount of hours in a typical week

32.5 hours

