We are a 'good' school rated by Ofsted Oct 2021!

Corby Glen Community Primary School

Pupil Premium

Every year the school receives an amount of money to support some of our children in overcoming particular barriers, this amount is calculated based on the number of children in school who qualify for funding.  The school receives £1,350 for each child eligible and £1,900 for every Looked After Child. 


The Pupil Premium is a government initiative which began in 2011, and which is designed to support children who are deemed to be from a disadvantaged background. Money is paid to the school which is then used to target resources in a way which benefits these children. Children who have been on Free School Meals (FSM) at any point over the past six years, and any children who have been in care for one day or more are provided for through Pupil Premium.


The school also receives £300 every year for each child who has a parent who is (or has) worked in the armed services during the time their child is at primary school. This is called Service Premium. This money is used primarily to ensure continuity in education for those children who may move between schools regularly and support for their emotional health and well-being if their parent is away on active service.


The government does not dictate what the money has to be spent on, but it is intended that the money should be used to narrow the gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils. The school is able to decide the best way for this to happen.


Our school values state:

' we celebrate and support the uniqueness of each individual, in order for us all to achieve our best'


Each academic year we review the impact that our Pupil Premium spending has had on the children's development and we look to identify ways to ensure that we are 'narrowing the gap' for our vulnerable learners for the following year:


These reports can be found below:

