We are a 'good' school rated by Ofsted Oct 2021!

Corby Glen Community Primary School


Core to our maths curriculum are the three National Curriculum aims of: fluency in fundamental, conceptual knowledge and rapid recall; reasoning, generalising and justification of mathematical relationships, and problem solving within increasing complex and varied problems. The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material consolidate their understanding, through additional practice either within core lessons or through intervention time, before moving on. Through this, we aim to raise well motivated, articulate and interested mathematicians who are able to achieve and celebrate their mathematical potential; supported by engaging the active participation of parents and carers in their children’s learning.  


How do we teach maths?

We use a mastery approach to teaching maths here at Corby Glen. With our Mastery approach,  we have removed the ceiling on children's achievement and their confidence and self-esteem has grown as lower achieving children in maths move at the same pace as their classmates. This has had a huge impact on our children in terms of their attitude towards Maths, their conceptual understanding and their willingness to explore and investigate.


We use a scheme called ‘White Rose Maths’ as the foundation of our maths curriculum. This highly respected scheme provides all children with an expertly planned progression in learning and challenges that will support them to make rapid progress from their individual starting points. Please see this link for further information: 

Advice and guidance for parents | White Rose Education


The only way to achieve mastery is to build upon a solid foundation of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Children will spend much longer on certain areas to fully embed the concept before moving on rather than how they were historically taught by spending approximately 1 - 2 weeks on each area, each term. We explicitly teach each unit once throughout the year but these areas of maths are met continuously through our representations and focus tasks in other maths lessons. Therefore nothing is truly taught in isolation.


What does a maths lesson look like?

  • Each class starts the maths lesson with a 10 minute Active Maths starter. In Active Maths our children learn times tables, and other quick-recall number facts, in a number of different ways; develop their number recall and fluency and recall learning from previous maths sessions in a recall quiz. This helps children retain the knowledge gained from previous sessions and use this to further develop their fluency.
  • Every Maths lesson begins with a carefully planned introduction to the new content being taught, using links to prior learning. Children are given the opportunity to explore and investigate new content and unpick misconceptions. 
  • Maths journals or whiteboards are used for children to record their thinking, be that a calculation, a drawing or a bar model.
  • Children are provided with resources such as Dienes, place value counters, Cuisenaire rods or even just strips of card to fold and manipulate. Children of all abilities will use resources not as a calculation tool but as a way to model their thinking and demonstrate understanding of a mathematical concept.
  • All children are capable of succeeding. In lessons, all children will all have access to a carefully pitched curriculum and associated tasks. All children are exposed to challenging mathematical thinking and are encouraged to work independently when they feel ready.
  • Everyone moves through the curriculum at broadly the same pace. Pupils who find specific concepts more difficult to grasp will be given extra support during interventions before, during and after lessons.
  • Aim 2 of the National Curriculum is for pupils to be able to reason mathematically. In order to develop this ability, children need to be able to explain mathematical concepts in a range of different contexts and problems. Children are encouraged every lesson to talk through their reasoning using mathematical vocabulary. 
  • We focus on clearly defined concepts in each lesson exploring and understanding them in depth. Lessons  provide the small building blocks required to develop a genuine conceptual understanding that deepens over time.
  • Assessment takes place formatively in every single lesson and future learning is adapted in response to this. Children also complete review and revision tasks as a form of summative assessment. We also carry out unit tests from White Rose and termly NFER tests for each year group.


What should my child be achieving in maths?

In your child's first year in school, they will be working towards the Early Learning Goals for maths. By the end of your child's Reception year, our aim is for your child to have achieved the following:


Number: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 10, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.


Shape, Space and Measures: Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.


In Years 1 - 6, your child will be working towards the following expectations in maths. We aim for children to be achieving these aims by the end of each year group:

Maths Calculation Policy


This document contains information on the end of year objectives children need to achieve, guidance and examples of the progression of methods used at Corby Glen and a glossary of most common mathematical terms.

How can I help my child at home?


In this section you will find videos and documents to demonstrate what the different areas of maths look like and how to support you child in their learning. For key stage specific 'how-to' guides on the different operations and the strategies used please see the links below for KS1 and KS2.

​It is also important for children to not only secure strategies but to have a deep understanding (mastery) of the relationships between numbers and therefore why those strategies work. To view videos explaining this process for each operation and other areas of maths, please see below.

What does it look like?


These documents outline all of the number objectives for each year group including EYFS. They also provide helpful guidance and examples as to possible questions and tasks that demonstrate childrens' achievement of these objectives.
