Corby Glen Community Primary School
Pupil Parliament
Why have we changed from School Council to Pupil Parliament?
School Council was originally designed as a group of children being elected by their peers to represent their class ideas. We have now structured our Pupil Parliament to ensure that pupil leadership opportunities are given to all of the children at Corby Glen Community Primary School. This allows every child at our school to have their voice heard and to become a greater part of our school life!
British Values
The DfE states that ‘’schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’’
It is important for us as a school to reinforce British Values within our pupil parliament. Our aim is for all children’s voice to be heard through Democracy. Children are also taught the reason and values behind laws and we encourage children to actively make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Many of our pupil parliament discussions also involve talking about mutual respect for others and the children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights as well as those of others.
Our pupil Parliament
Our pupil parliament takes place every week and once a month we join a range of school on teams to discuss a joint question. Each class is introduced to our focus for that week and through our class assemblies children share their ideas as a whole class before our meeting. Crew teams also take place which allow children to make a stand mixed with peers across school. Pupil parliament members then discuss class discussions and also ‘make a stand’ from crew meetings feeding this back, sharing thoughts and ideas and making decisions which represent the views of all pupils to improve our school.
Our main focus in the Autumn term has been devising a new behaviour policy that supports all of our children linked to our school values. This provides opportunities for children to discuss ways in which we can feel safe in our school, whilst following school rules and providing opportunities to understand their own and others feelings and emotions learning to self regulate.. Our aim is to ensure that every child feels valued and safe in our school.
We look forward to what this academic year holds!
Children’s Voice
Coming soon
The Bronze Ambassadors have been selected due to them demonstrating that they are a positive role model within our school and also a talented performer . The children have shown they can be a committed leader and will help increase participation in sport and leadership. The Bronze Ambassadors will promote healthy active lifestyles amongst other young people both in school time and by establishing after school clubs.